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Experiential learning

This is an experiential project that students participated in experiential learning activities and produced a set of tourist maps of Ha Tsuen. As part of the course assignments, students from the University of Hong Kong attending course SOCI2055 Tourism, Culture and Society (2016-2017) were guided to collect primary data, produce travel guides to raise public awareness of local history, heritage preservation and future development of Ha Tsuen, as well as reflect on the impacts of cultural and heritage tourism.

Ha Tsuen is situated at Yuen Long in the New Territories, Hong Kong. Historical records show that the Tang lineage has settled at Ha Tsuen more than six centuries. Nowadays, Ha Tsuen is where rural meets urban area and tradition meets modernity.


In 2016, the government designated Ha Tsuen for village type development and a heritage trail under the plan of Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area. The district is about to experience dramatic changes in a few years.  


With financial support from Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre, Rotary Club Hong Kong Sunrise and Roundtable Enterprise, students of the course “Tourism, Culture and Society” (second semester, 2016-2017) had experiential learning activities and critically discussed on the role of cultural tourism in heritage preservation and sustainable urban development at Ha Tsuen.


Seven theme tours were designed to introduce Ha Tsuen from different perspectives. A set of tourist maps was also published and distributed through community partners and at Ha Tsuen.


Course and team members

Course information 

   Course title: Tourism, Culture and Society

   Course code: SOCI2055

   Offering department: Department of Sociology, the University of Hong Kong

   Offering semester: semester, 2016-2017

Team members  

   Course instructor & chief editor: Gary Wong    

   Course tutor: Sophia So

   Student helper: Chloe Chan, Michelle Leung, Erica Li, Lilian Luk

   Design production: EDGE Book                               

   Editorial & design support: Miu Chan, Waisze Leung 

Community partners

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We would like to thank for the support from the following organisations. 


All content was edited and reviewed by course instructor and the editorial team. All photos and illustrations are produced by the course instructors, students and editorial team except otherwise specified. Please contact for further information. 

© 2017. All rights reserved unless otherwise specified.

No portion of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior permission.

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